Forschungsseminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie WiSe 22/23

Basics on Automorphic representations

In this term we want to learn the basics about automorphic representations. We follow closely the first chapters of the recent book An introduction to automorphic representations with a view toward trace formulae by Getz and Hahn.
Here is the program .
The seminar takes place on Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in room G.14.34(BUW).

Talk Day Speaker
1. Discussion and distribution of the talks 19.10.22 all
2. Adeles 26.10.22 Lukas
3.The Haar measure 02.11.22 Oliver
4. The Adelic quotient 09.11.22 Mattia
5. Automorphic Representations in the \(L^2\)-sense 16.11.22 Sonia
6. Smooth vectors and representations of compact groups 23.11.22 Dennis
7. \((\mathfrak{g}, K)\)-modules, infinitesimal characters, and classification of \((\mathfrak{g}, K)\)-modules for \({\rm GL}_{2\mathbb{R}}\) 30.11.22 Jens E.
8. Smooth and admissble representations 07.12.22 Sascha
9. Unramified Hecke-Algebra and Flath's Theorem 14.12.22 Kay
10. Automorphic forms and - representations 21.12.22 Fei
11. Cuspidal automorphic representations and modular forms, I 11.01.23 Matthias
12. Cuspidal automorphic representations and modular forms, II 18.01.23 Matthias
13. Unramified representations, the Satake Isomorphism, and the Langlands dual group 25.01.23 Marc
14. Satake Isomorphism for unramified groups and principal series 01.02.23 Georg